Download our ABM model on risk perception and housing prices

Open Access agent-based model to simulate the aggregated impacts of households’ residential location choices and their changing risk perceptions in response to flooding.

Repetitive floods intensify outmigration and climate gentrification in coastal cities

Our results suggest that pure market-driven processes can cause shifts in demographics in climate-sensitive hotspots placing low-income households further at risk...

Empirical agent-based land market in urban land-use models

This paper introduces an economic agent-based model of an urban housing market. Our Risks and Hedonics in Empirical Agent-based land market (RHEA) model captures natural hazard risks and environmental amenities through hedonic analysis, facilitating empirical agent-based land market modeling.

Improved Methods for Predicting Property Prices

Property prices are affected by changing market conditions, incomes and preferences of people. Price trends in natural hazard zones may shift significantly and abruptly after a disaster signalling structural systemic changes in property markets.

Preferences in Flood-prone Housing Markets

The price of risk is an important indicator that can facilitate decisions in any risk mitigation policy, which demands for methods to value the social costs of risk as accurately as possible. In particular, in flood risk management the central number that influences the balance between costs and benefits is the price of flood risk.

From cognitive maps to agent-based models

This paper aims to contribute to developing better ways for incorporating essential human elements in decision making processes for modelling of complex socio-ecological systems. It presents a step-wise methodology for integrating perceptions of stakeholders into formal simulation models...

Drivers of urban resilience to climate change in the USA

This study explores several private adaptation responses to flood risk, that are driven by various behavioral triggers. We conducted a survey among households in hazard-prone areas in eight coastal states in the USA to examine the decision to retreat from flood zones.


Changing climate – changing behavior
Integrating adaptive economic behavior in land-use models. The VENI project addresses a gap by incorporating adaptive expectations about land market dynamics and evolution of individual risk perception into land-use models.